The congress is jointly organized by the following partners:

City of Aalborg
Aalborg is the 3rd largest city in Denmark. In 1994 Aalborg signed the “Aalborg Charter” – the first and most comprehensive document on sustainability in Europe. In 2004 Aalborg signed the “Aalborg Commitment”, which is a list of commitments that Aalborg has agreed to fulfil. Aalborg has a number of very strong sustainability strategies that set environmentally friendly, clever and holistic goals for how to turn Aalborg into a more sustainable city. Center for Grøn Omstilling (the centre for green conversion) is a product of this strategy and today develops projects that contribute to green conversion through cross-sectoral cooperation. Every year Aalborg holds a sustainability festival, which collects and diffuses knowledge to that new green initiatives can blossom. The municipality, companies, educational institutions, local and national NGO’s and private parties support the initiative.
Interested in knowing more about Aalborg? Click here

Aalborg University
All degree programmes and research activities at Aalborg University are problem and project-based and have an interdisciplinary focus. Through strong interplay between staff and students and intense collaboration with public and private sectors, we offer degree programmes with a real-world approach and provide world-class research. It’s results in new insights, new solutions to societal challenges and knowledge that changes the world.

Enterprise Europe Network Aalborg
The Enterprise Europe Network helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions. Enterprise Europe Network Aalborg is located at North Denmark EU Office – an association owned and operated by the Region of North Denmark, its 11 associated municipalities and the Greenlandic Sermersooq municipality. The main goal is to achieve the development ambitions of North Denmark´s municipalities, public institutions, companies and higher educational institutions by promoting activities that foster internationalization, growth and employment.
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ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 1,750 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 100+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. Our Members and team of experts work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability. ICLEI has been working on procurement since 1996, assisting hundreds of cities, regions and public authorities to embed sustainable, circular and innovation criteria into public tenders directly and through collaboration projects. For more information visit:

Think To Do Tank, a non-governmental organization operating in the area of supporting the development of innovation and implementation of system changes for sustainable socio-economic development, notably by advancing the circular economy model. INNOWO inspires and encourages cooperation in Poland and the whole Europe, specifically by operating the Polish Circular Hotspot, showcasing economic advantages of circular economy, suggesting most favourable regulatory paths and, in the process, engaging as many stakeholders as possible.
Visit INNOWO here!

INTERREG Baltic Sea Region

Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is a voluntary, politically independent organisation uniting more than 2500 members – micro, small, medium and large enterprises of all regions and industries, associations, city business clubs and other unions of entrepreneurs. LCCI works in three areas: business environment, competitiveness of the companies and export. The themes of the projects implemented by LCCI are connected with different fields such as export development, know-how share between EU countries, trainings for entrepreneurs, trainers and other target groups, VET system improvement, policy development, green economy, clusters policy and others.
Interested in knowing more about LCCI?

Latvian Environmental Investment Fund
The Latvian Environmental Investment Fund is an entity established by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia. The Fund has worked with development of different environment protection and environment friendly projects from idea until its implementation for over 15 years. Activities are directed to reach maximal environment improvement, supporting commercial activities in public and private sector, stimulating financing attraction for project realization for environmental and business infrastructure development.
Interested in knowing more? Click Here

City of Malmö
Malmö is Sweden’s third biggest city. It is Sweden’s fastest-growing city, that has grown by almost 40% since 1990. As a response to the climate changes, the City of Malmö have an ambition to be one of the best cities in the world for sustainable urban development by 2020. In the Environmental Programme for the City of Malmö 2009 – 2020, the ambition is to be a leading eco-city. By 2020, the City of Malmö will be climate neutral and by 2030 the whole municipality will run on 100% renewable energy. Further,more greenhouse gas emissions will decrease by at least 40%, compared to 1990.
Interested in knowing more about the City of Malmø? Click Here

Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

Rzeszow Regional Development Agency
The Rzeszow Regional Development Agency was established in 1993 and at present is one of the most important actors on the regional social and economic stage. Its mission is to support the development of the Podkarpackie region to improve the quality and standard of life of its inhabitants, as well as promote a new image of the Podkarpackie region as a modem, innovative and economically developed region. The Agency has been awarded the European Commission’s prestigious “Partners in Action” GRAND PRIX for its implementation of the PHARE programmes, as the only regional development agency in all the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Interested in knowing more? Click Here

Saint Petersburg Campus of National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Established in 1992, HSE is consistently ranked as one of Russia´s top universities, the Higher School of Economics is a leader in Russian education and one of the preeminent economics and social sciences universities in eastern Europa and Eurasia. Having rapidly grown into a well-renowned research university over two decades, HSE sets itself apart with its international presence and cooperation. Divided into four campuses, there are over 7000 lectures and researcher, 35100 students and 65000 graduates. The faculties, researchers, and students is represented from over 50 countries.
Interested in knowing more about HSE?

Finnish Environment Institute
The Finnish Environment Institute SYKE is a multidisciplinary research and expert institute. It was established to solve society’s most burning questions that have an impact on the environment. SYKE provide necessary information, multidisciplinary expertise and expert services for public and private decision-making. SYKE identifies effective solutions and promote their implementation through a holistic and open approach in collaboration with others. SYKE’s commitments promote the goals of a carbon neutral society, reduce the harmful effects of food on nature and water systems, and support development towards a more multicultural society.
Interested in knowing more about SYKE? Click Here

Polish Supply Management Leaders
It is a non-profit organization representing the interests of Polish supply chain, logistics and procurement managers, working for the mission of building a competence center in Poland in the area of supply chain on a European scale.
PSML is a forum for exchanging views, experiences and knowledge in the field of procurement and supply chain management. Cooperating with partners from various environments, PSML Association creates and promotes good business practices.
Their mission is developing Poland as a center of competence of the supply chain on a European scale.